
July 23, 2024

3 min

Beyond the Buzzwords

How Values Alignment Supercharges LGBTQ+ Engagement and Retention in Financial Services

In the competitive landscape of financial services, companies are constantly seeking ways to attract and retain top LGBTQ+ talent. While flashy rewards and benefits can temporarily entice employees, a deeper connection is forged when individual values align with those of the organisation. For LGBTQ+ professionals, this alignment is especially crucial, as it fosters a sense of belonging, purpose, and genuine engagement.

The Power of Values Alignment

Values alignment goes beyond simply agreeing with a company’s mission statement. It’s about a shared belief in the fundamental principles that guide an organisation’s actions and decisions. For LGBTQ+ employees, these values often include diversity, inclusion, equity, and a commitment to social justice. When these values are genuinely embraced and lived by the company, it creates a powerful sense of connection and belonging for LGBTQ+ individuals.

The Impact on Engagement and Retention

Research consistently shows that employees who feel their values align with their employer’s are more engaged, motivated, and committed to their work. This translates to higher productivity, lower turnover rates, and a more positive workplace culture. For LGBTQ+ professionals, values alignment can be a key factor in deciding to join and stay with a company, as it signals a safe and welcoming environment where they can be their authentic selves.

Strategies for Fostering Values Alignment with LGBTQ+ Talent

  1. Don’t just list your values on your website – bring them to life through your actions, policies, and communication. Ensure that your commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion is explicitly stated and reflected in your company culture.
  2. Highlight LGBTQ+ leaders within your organisation. Their visibility demonstrates that LGBTQ+ individuals can thrive and succeed at your company, inspiring others to follow suit.
  3. Partner with LGBTQ+ organisations, sponsor Pride events, and create internal initiatives that support LGBTQ+ employees. These actions demonstrate your commitment to the community and create a sense of pride among LGBTQ+ employees.
  4. Encourage open and honest conversations about LGBTQ+ issues. Create safe spaces for employees to share their experiences, ask questions, and provide feedback. This fosters a culture of trust and understanding.
  5. Ensure that your commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion is embedded in your daily operations, from recruitment and onboarding to performance reviews and promotions. Hold yourself and your employees accountable for upholding these values.

By prioritising values alignment, financial services firms can create a powerful magnet for attracting and retaining top LGBTQ+ talent. When employees feel a deep connection to their employer’s mission and values, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal. This, in turn, drives innovation, growth, and a more inclusive workplace culture where everyone can thrive.


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